New Exchanges top 20

For end of october the new Dinastycoin will be listed on 2 or 3 new Exchanges some of which will be TOP 20 on coinmarketcap exchanges

Ecommerce website will be update starting from 30 september will be closed for 2 or 3 days to can update dinastypay and all relate to dinastycoin.

Same for the mobile app

Exchanges support New and old

While all users that have Dinastycoina on desktop wallet MUST to register on and the deposit old dinastycoin to receive new ones.

Who have Dinastycoin on exchange like Btc-Alpha and do not need to do nothing all Dinastycoin will be converted automatically and everyone will have a new address with the same number of Dinastycoin.

The same will happen for Dinasty fo Freedom users that have Dinastycoins on Dinasty of Freedom backoffice.

The change old to new Dinastycoin will be not immediate. It could take same days for automatic conversion depend by the number of Dinastycoin user have on old wallet.


new wallet gui download

Download for binary Wallets Gui windows 64/32 / Linux Ubuntu 18 64bit and Mac will be available when the swap site will be open 30 september

Wallet Paper

New wallet paper will be available..

All user that have some old dinastycoin on wallet paper should be move it to the regular wallet before last block, else cannot be swapped.

After swap they can create a new wallet paper and send new DCY on it

Movies to learn all about new Dinastycoins

We are preparing some movie that will be available starting from september 25 on official Dinastyoffreedomdinastycoin channel on youtube.

These movies will explain how to:

  • Swap old to new dinastycoin using site
  • use the install and use new Wallet gui
  • for Pools and Exchanges: How to use apis to move old dinastycoins to new wallets

Dinastycoin explorer

Dinastycoin explorer will be available on explorer.dinastycoin. it will allow top check transaction it allow to search using  #blocks, hash and transactionhash

It is based on Onion Monero explorer and can be query also using API

It will work on testnet until 29 september.  Starting by 30/09 it will show Mainnet blockchain data

Dinastycoin mainet

The official mainnet with new Seed nodes will start september 30. same day  will be available open source on github and downloads of wallet gui on swap site and then on official site

The new blockchain is premined with same number of current blockchain mined

Since we also suppose that at least 75milions DCY could be  lost for ever. so newer will be swapped the number of preminated new DCY will be 1,800 Billions DCY all availables for Swap. It mean that 200milions DCy will be availables for miners





Github Sources

New Dinastycoin source availables on github ready to be compiled with all O.S Linux, Windows, MacIntosh. Readme with istructions to compile

Sources will be available on Github for developers,r exchanges/pool september 29